Plasma update?

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Dec 21 14:33:30 UTC 2022

On Tue, 20 Dec 2022 at 18:47, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at> wrote:
> There are several differences, non of them seem to be important. The
> panel position and it length from left to right, the show serial number
> button, the border above the copy to clipboard button, the wallpaper.

Thanks, because that illustrates my point fairly well. :-)

In the 2nd screenshot, the KDE panel (taskbar) is floating: it is not
attached to a screen edge, and you can see the desktop wallpaper
behind it on all sides.

That was a new option in the new version of KDE that the article was
describing how to install.

What this means is that the purpose of the 2 screenshots was to show
that the version number had changed, and in order to do that, I took
screenshots of the info page in KDE's settings app. But if one knows
one's KDE versions then one could tell that the 2nd pic was a newer
version of KDE, even if all the text were in Chinese, or in my case if
I didn't have my spectacles on, because the floating dock is a
giveaway of KDE ≤5.25 even if you can't see a version number.

My point being that in 25+ years of doing tech support over the phone,
I have lost count of the many *many* times that a customer has failed
to notice something elsewhere on the screen from the thing that caught
their attention. No matter how many times I said "start at the very
top left corner of your screen and read me *EVERYTHING* from there on"
they target-fixate on some popup box or something, and they don't
notice the red flashing blob down by their clock or something which is
the real, important indication they need to notice.

It is human nature. It's not a fault. It's how we work.

Now, of course, in that job, it is easier to take remote control, but
mailing lists are too low on bandwidth. ;-)

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
Email: lproven at ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at
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