Plasma update?

rikona rikona at
Tue Dec 20 03:58:30 UTC 2022

On Mon, 19 Dec 2022 23:25:42 +0100
Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Dec 2022 at 22:32, rikona <rikona at> wrote:
> > Well - an interesting result. After doing backups, I clicked on
> > 'update' in the popup box, to supposedly do an update. Got another
> > window stating, at the top, "Update failed for the following
> > reason." But the window was COMPLETELY blank - no reasons, no
> > nothing.  
> As Bo said, you're not being specific enough. We can't work out what
> is, or is not, happening.
> What popup box? What update option?

As I said in my original email, this was a POPUP WINDOW with the
following, between the "s, in the POPUP WINDOW:
Plasma Workspace
Upgrade available
Ubuntu on 22.04.1 LTS.
This version will stop receiving updates and security fixes in 125
"[upgrade]" was a place to click IN THE WINDOW. There was absolutely no
additional info.

>  So, not clear how to actually do a Kubuntu update.
> Step 1:
> Do a full upgrade as described in Bo's message, and amplified in mine.
> Reboot. Check it works.
> Do another upgrade to make sure nothing is outstanding. Watch the
> output closely. If it says any packages were held back, upgrade those
> too.
> Once that's done, run
> sudo -s
> do-release-upgrade
> > Might it be safe to do an Ubuntu CLI release upgrade, then
> > reinstall the new Plasma desktop stuff to get "Kubuntu"?  
> This makes no sense. When you do an upgrade, you're upgrading
> everything, desktop and all.

So, if running Kubuntu, I do
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y
which does not move me to any new release, does that ALSO update the
KDE desktop etc, since I'm upgrading 'everything'? Or does it leave KDE
at the '20 level?

I appreciate your cautious approach to this - thanks.

When I run
sudo -s
is this when both Ubuntu AND KDE get upgraded to 22.04? I want to stick
with the long term releases. I do not want to end up with 22.10 etc.

Any idea why the 'upgrade' via the popup window was a total failure? Is
the CLI route really always the best way to go?

> > Or, would it be better to
> > do do an Ubuntu CLI NON-release upgrade, then reinstall the  new
> > Plasma desktop stuff to get "Kubuntu"?  
> No. You can't anyway, but that makes no sense.
> You are asking:
> "I have a pint of beer. I want to drink half of it. Can I drink the
> bottom half of the glass, then come back and drink the top half?"
> No. If you drink the glass, you drink it all. You can't drink just the
> bottom half.
> >  Does the new Plasma desktop REQUIRE an
> > Ubuntu CLI release upgrade to operate properly?  
> It doesn't work like that.
> You can add an external repository and install _some_ newer versions
> of KDE from that onto _certain_ releases. That is what I described in
> my article.  But currently that only applies to 22.10, nothing else.

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