No internet under Ubuntu 22.04 after booting into Windows 10

Chris Green cl at
Sun Dec 18 14:01:48 UTC 2022

On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 02:42:06PM +0100, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Dec 2022 at 11:21, sciguy <sciguy at> wrote:
> >
> > As stated, I have a desktop PC that is dual-boot, and where the network
> > operates under Windows 10 but not Linux.
> [...]
> > It was of some interest that I found that my router is assigning a
> > different IP to the Windows 10 hostname than for the Linux hostname.
> Hang on. This contradicts the 1st para.
> Para 1: network works on Windows, does not work on Linux
> Para 2: Linux gets a different IP address
> Para 2 implies it's working.
> I am not being hostile; I am confused.
> Is it working, or not? A different IP address doesn't sound like a
> critical failure.
> This is a wired connection, right?
> Have you tried another cable?
> Does the machine have wifi? Does that work?
> Have you run the "software and drivers" app and installed all
> necessary device drivers?
> And as I always say:
> Check your motherboard firmware is up to date. If it isn't, update it.
I think everyone is over-thinking this!

Given that "Linux gets a different IP address" that says to me that
Linux is setting the IP.  The router will give the system the same
address usually because it matches it to the MAC address.  I.e. the
router should give the same address to the system whether it is
running Window or Linux.

So, Linux is setting the IP, it's almost certainly not on the same
sub-net as the router, result - no internet.

That's why I said to look at the Network configuration, it likely has
a static IP configured and needs to have 'Automatic' (i.e. use the
DHCP server in the router).

Chris Green

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