Kaffeine & DVB-TV

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Dec 16 11:22:22 UTC 2022

Hi All

I have installed Kaffeine on Ubuntu 18.04 & 16.04 (from Repo's not PPA) all 
works to a point, my Nova-t PCI DVB Card is seen and configured (although I had 
to use AutoScan for souyrce as the file for my local transnmiter was way out of 
date **), I have managed to scan DVB TV channels (terrestrial) all show up, but 
when I try to view I get nothing, just a black screen, no Audio or Video, 
Kaffeine does play other media files (or all the ones I have tried)

I know that Kaffeine used to play DVB-TV fine (on 16.04 or 14.04 IIRC), the 
Kaffeine wiki claims that all Video & Audio Codecs are included in the Ubuntu 

I think last time I used Kaffeine, the first run showed a dialogue instructing 
me to download some extra files (codecs maybe) but that may have been an older 
version (or older kernal)

Hope someone here uses Kaffeine and can point me right

p.s. I will also post on Kaffeine list but I have not seen any posts from there 
since 2017

** If I can get Audio & Video for DVB-TV I would like to know where Kaffeine 
keeps the local transmitter (uk-BluebellHill) data file so I can update to 
current state (2018)

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