USB mountpoints jumping around

Sorin Srbu sorin.srbu at
Tue Dec 13 09:33:36 UTC 2022

Hello all!

I need some input and thoughts on an issue I have with USB mountpoints
jumping around on a laptop.
The OS is Kubuntu 22.04, and I'm guessing in this case Ubuntu and Kubuntu
behaves the same.

I have a 5 TB usb-disk connected to my laptop that I use to back up the
entire volume in order to be able to do a bare metal-restore, should the
need arise. I use Veeam backup agent for linux for this.

Since the usb mountpoint seems to jump around after reboots or even
depending who's logged on, I opted to mount a /backup-folder to a partition-
UUID instead, using a line in /etc/fstab. 
This works great and I have no failed backups, which I had before when I let
the drive automount!

The problem is that sometimes I need to shutdown and remove my laptop from
its dock and use it elsewhere, ie I'm disconnecting the 5 TB-usb disk.

Upon the next reboot (w/o the 5 TB-usb disk) the OS borks totally, showing
me a maintenance needed-screen and options to run an fsck; presumably
because the 5 TB disk is missing.

After some googling I found a reference to the noauto flag one could use in
fstab, for  storage you do not want to mount at boot.
So, I replaced the normal defaults flag with noauto and rebooted the laptop
without the 5 TB drive, and I still get the fsck thing mentioned above.

My understanding was that the noauto flag would tell the OS to ignore
mounting the missing drive and just boot normally, but it seems it doesn't.
Am not sure if I misunderstand the noauto function or why the OS's still
trying to mount the missing drive.

If I just comment out the mount line in fstab for the 5 TB drive, the OS
boots just fine, but it kinda' defeats the whole point with having it in the
fstab at all.

So, is there any other way to have this usb-drive mount only when needed, ie
when the veeam backup agent runs?
Maybe I need to go down some other path? Which one in that case?

As mentioned, earlier thoughts and feedback on this is greatly appreciated.

Sorin Srbu, Serverdrift
Tele: 08-524 84166
Karolinska Institutet Universitetsbibliotek
Avdelningen för Verksamhetsstöd
Enheten för Teknikstöd och Bildproduktion

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