Firefox snap updates for non-technical users

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at
Tue Aug 30 16:16:29 UTC 2022


I have a friend, R, who uses Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS, mainly for Internet access
via Firefox.

Firefox has always been problematic when it comes to Firefox updates.
However, closing all windows and running update-manager (aka Software
Updater) fixed that kind of problem.

However, after Firefox moved to being supplied as a snap, R has been
experiencing problems with Firefox. These are usually fixed by me going to
his house and running:
$snap list
$sudo snap refresh

Are there any GUI programs that are part of Ubuntu that provide a GUI
interface to handle snap updates? It would help R enormously.

My Python is more than a little bit rusty otherwise I'd do it myself. I
have provided a shell script but R was nonplussed when it came to the
possibility of him using the command line.



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