How to disable all "keyboard shortcuts"

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sat Aug 13 15:02:47 UTC 2022

On Sat, 2022-08-13 at 16:59 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> On Sat, 2022-08-13 at 10:19 -0400, Little Girl wrote:
> > Also, I don't know about everybody else, but I get awfully nervous
> > any time a program allows me to come up with my own key-combinations
> > for things. There's the worry that any combination you come up with
> > may already exist and be overwritten by your new one. Then, hand in
> > hand with that one, there's the moment where you have to decide
> > whether to either try the combination first (risky) or look it up in
> > all possible locations (nearly impossible or at least very
> > time-consuming). I usually just abstain.
> your fear is partly based on a misconception. If you focus a window of
> an averaged GUI editor pushing Ctrl+A is for "select all", if you focus
> the window of a terminal emulation Ctrl+A is for readline's "move to the
> start of the line". There is no pitfall related to damaging something by
> overwriting a shortcut, but a pitfall related to confusion by overriding
> a shortcut. IOW the same shortcut can and usually has got different
> functions depending on the focus. Shortcuts are usually not as global as
> some users might think.

PS: Yes, within a focus you need to fear to overwrite a shortcut. For

"How can I change the key-bindings (hot-keys) in Claws Mail?

That is very simple. First, ensure that the option "Enable customizable
menu shortcuts" is enabled on the "Other" preferences page, then,
suppose you want to assign a shortcut key to a function, e.g. sending
all mail out should start when you press Ctrl-Y. Click the "Message"
menu and move the mouse over "Send all messages" (or press Alt+M to
unroll the "Message" menu then use the down cursor key to activate this
"Send all messages" menu entry). Now you press Ctrl-Y. Immediately the
menu text is updated and the function is in place. Please note that a
previous function that Ctrl-Y was assigned to, will no longer have a
shortcut key. If you want to remove the key binding, do the same thing,
but press the "delete" key on the menu-item. Then the key binding is

Also see '/Configuration/Preferences/Other/Miscellanous/Keyboard
Shortcuts' where you are able to reset the Default keybindings, or use
other predefined keybindings. " -

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