Request for simplified instructions for downloading and installing .tar.gz applications - Ventoy

Bret Busby bret at
Fri Aug 12 21:53:33 UTC 2022

On 13/8/22 05:39, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 13/8/22 05:16, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On Fri, 12 Aug 2022 at 19:34, Bret Busby <bret at> wrote:
>>> It was, yes.
>>> :)
>> Jolly good. Genuinely good to learn people read it and find the info 
>> useful!
>>> My understanding is that, when a spinning HDD is powered down, it needs
>>> to be left off, for at least a minute, or so, before powering on again,
>>> to avoid physical damage.
>> Mainly applies to desktop drives. Notebook drives are tougher --
>> slower, but more resistant.
>> What make/model of laptop is it? You might be able to get a cheap 3rd
>> party battery for it...
> It is an ASUS F550C.
> I had thought about the prospect of seeking a replacement battery, after 
> I found an old receipt for a replacement battery that I had bought some 
> years ago, online.. But, I did not follow up on the thought; I thought 
> that I should try to get the computer working, with an OS, to check that 
> I could, first.
> It is one of those laptops designed by  people whose talents make me 
> wonder. It has an i7 CPU, and only 4GB RAM, and, has capacity for only 
> about 12 or 16GB RAM; I believe that anything more powerful than a 
> Celeron, should come with at least 8 GB RAM, and should be expandable to 
> at least 32GB RAM, and, any computer with an i7, should come with at 
> least 32GB RAM, as standard, to be able to properly use the CPU's 
> capacity. It is a bit like when the 80486 CPU was released, and a 
> lecturer in computer hardware told us at the time, that only two 
> operating systems were capable of using the potential of the 80486 chip; 
> UNIX and OS/2. At about that time, from memory, Linux had got to about 
> v0.86, and, had just been advanced to the 80386 chip.
> I am not ungrateful for the gift of the PC; I just think that 
> manufacturers have a long way to go, before they start making practical 
> PC's available.

And, now that you have mentioned it, they are available, e,g.

So, if I can get the laptop going, with an OS installed, it would be a 
cheap price to pay, for an i7 laptop with a new battery.

Now, I will have to investigate getting a replacement battery for my 
Acer V3-772G, of which, the battery is down to only 48% capacity (not 
bad after about 8 years, with it being left plugged in and turned on, 
used as a desktop PC).

Bret Busby
West Australia

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