Request for simplified instructions for downloading and installing .tar.gz applications - Ventoy

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Aug 2 10:25:54 UTC 2022

On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 at 07:18, Bret Busby <bret at> wrote:
> I refused to have anything more top do with .tar.gz
> software installations

Very wise. I hate them too.

> Now, this ventoy thing has appeared (and, has previously been
> discussed), and, it is not available as a .deb package for installation
> (and updating) through operating system package management.

Aha! OK. That is partly my fault so I am happy to shed some light.

You don't need to install Ventoy on your computer to use it.

Ventoy installs *onto a USB flash drive* and _only_ onto that flash drive.

You don't need to install anything at all on your actual PC.

So it doesn't matter where you unpack it. Anywhere you like.

I just unzip it into a subdirectory of my ~/Downloads folder.

You run it once, to install or to update the bootable key, then you
delete it immediately.

So it doesn't matter. You only run it the one time, and then next
time, you download a fresh copy.

Put it anywhere, don't make any links  to it or anything. Run the app
with "GUI" in its name.

As it happens I did this last night. As of the current Ventoy 1.0.79
of yesterday, it is called:


So I unzipped Ventoy with Engrampa.

I opened a terminal.

I typed:

cd Dow
(and then pressed Tab to autocomplete)

cd ven
(and then pressed Tab to autocomplete again)

Then I typed

(and then pressed Tab to autocomplete again)

Then G for GUI
(and then pressed Tab to autocomplete again)

Then x for x86_64
(and then pressed Tab to autocomplete again)

And ran it. Updated my key, and the job was done.

Luckily for you I then went off to another computer and didn't delete
it yet. :-)

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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