22.04 install questions

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 15:43:34 UTC 2022

On Sat, 23 Apr 2022 at 17:29, Stuart McGraw <smcg4191 at mtneva.com> wrote:
> I switched from Fedora to Ubuntu a few years ago and have been running 18.04.  But with the release of 22.04, this will be the first time I will upgrade between major versions.

OK. This is generally very safe and quite routine on Debian-family
(and SUSE-family) distros.

In fact it's only the Red Hat family that make it difficult!

I have a box that was originally installed with 13.04 still in frequent use.

>   (I will be doing a fresh install rather than an upgrade to clean up some of the learning mistakes I made in 18.04.)

As you wish.

You can't go direct from 18.04 to 22.04 anyway. You would have to go
through 20.04.

> There are still things about the Ubuntu release model I don't understand.

OK, fire away.

> I use a backup program called "Bacula".  However, it does not seem to be available for 22.04 (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bacula).


> Does this mean it's been dropped or rather that it will be released for 22.04 later?

TBH it could be either. I do not use it and I do not know.

> If the latter, how to get an idea of when?

If it is FOSS and it is part of the Multiverse repos, then it should
be there when the OS is released. If it was and was dropped, I don't
know why, that is question 1.

> How can find the answers myself without asking in a place like here?

Ask the Bacula.org community, perhaps?

> I understand 20.04.1 will be released in August.

I presume you mean *22* 04.1?

Generally yes but the date may not be hard-fixed.

> If I install 20.04 now and do the usual upgrades though August, will I have the same system in August as I would get by installing 20.04.1 then?


Optionally, soon after 22.10, you can update to the HWE kernel if you
want features from the newer kernel.

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at gmail.com
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