Gene Heskett
gheskett at shentel.net
Tue Sep 28 15:42:08 UTC 2021
On Tuesday 28 September 2021 10:33:17 Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Fri, 24 Sep 2021 14:10:45 +0200, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com>
> >OTOH it would be a good chance to _move_ /home to another place...
> > :shrug:
> Interesting issue, I always thought that home wopuld need to be in
> /home, which to me infers below /...
> Could it in fact be in a completely different partition of the disk
> (or on another drive altogether) and still be located at /home?
Absolutely it can be on a separate drive. However the mount point root is
AFAIK limited to / so it must be mounted at /home. But the name "home"
is convention, and it would work just as well if the mountpoint were
named "emoh" as long as the rest of the system knows about it
via /etc/fstab. You would, if you have executables in this oddly named
location, have to compose your own environments $PATH. I do this myself
so AppImages are chowned to me. Relatively easy then to dl an AppImage
to /home/me/AppImages, link the dl to a short version of the AppImage
name, and run it. cura, openscad and 4 or so others live in that sandbox
> If so how is that accomplished?
via the entry for it in /etc/fstab and inclusion in your env's #PATH.
> If it were it would make my backup scheme so much simpler...
You apparently are not using amanda, its very easy to add another
directory tree to amanda. And it can be, if you don't want any fancy
includes or excludes, a single line in the disklist file. It could point
to 400GB of data, but thats not being practical in real life. Amanda is
hard to initiially set up, but amcheck can look at what you have and
tell you how to fix mistakes. What most folks don't get is that amanda
will fiddle with the schedule and levels in an attempt to backup about
the same amount to data for each run, but will not let its level0's to
go more days than you tell it.
Sure its different, messing with minds that are fixed on one humoungous
backup on Friday nights, but its also very very good at guarding your
But I would be remiss if I didn't commemt on backup media. Tapes are
exposed to the environment, big disks are sealed. Ergo a big disk is in
my experience, 100's of times more dependable, so I've been using
terabyte or bigger drives as virtual tapes for over a decade, without
losing a single byte of data I needed later. My first terabyte drive
finally got replaced about a year ago. It had 25 reallocated sectors
when I first queried it at about 1500 spinning hours, and still had only
25 reallocated sectors, invisible to me, at just north of 67,000
spinning hours when I pulled it due to a bigger home net to backup.
I would only use the less dependable tape if I were a business that for
fire etc protection, demanded off site storage, but I'm not. And you
could do that with more dependable disks in hot swap drawers too. I'm
just me, with a bigger home net than some small businesses.
> --
> Bo Berglund
> Developer in Sweden
Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis
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