Impish Idri Desktop AMD64 / x86_64 bit Beta iso

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Sep 28 11:47:22 UTC 2021

On Mon, 27 Sept 2021 at 20:36, Grizzly via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at> wrote:
> AFAIK yes, the only difference to my normal download of the iso I used a
> torrent as the iso was >3gb, it shows as a beta on neofetch

That is very odd. AFAIK the Unity remix is _not_ one of the official
remixes (yet?) so it should not have a link anywhere on

> That sounds like it may explain it, maybe the wromg iso was on the main
> download site for a while

That seems very very unlikely.

> I know I did have a problem a few releases back when
> I tried to get an AMD64 iso but the ARM64 came down (not a torrent that time)
> the correct iso was on the same site a few days latter


> not unhappy with Unity, looks good, as long as ALL updates will still work I
> may stay with it, I have missed Unity since 16.04 LTS, I exprect that once
> 21.10 final is released the next dist-upgrade will move me to Gnome again ?

You'll get all the updates for the base OS and the apps. Unity 7
itself is no longer in development AFAIK, and I do not think it will
get any more updates.

Once you are on the Unity version, I think you will stay on it.

Liam Proven – Profile:
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