Help Raspberry Pi Install

david david at
Fri Sep 24 21:31:15 UTC 2021

At 01:55 PM 9/24/2021, Colin Law wrote:
>On Fri, 24 Sept 2021 at 16:58, david <david at> wrote: > > At 
>01:19 AM 9/24/2021, you wrote: > >On Fri, 24 Sept 2021 at 03:53, 
>david <david at> wrote: > ... > > >2)  Moments after the 
>initial boot, it appears that the > > >unattend-upgrade process 
>starts running before I get a chance to > > >prevent that 
>function.  As a result, I need to sit and wait for > >5-10 > minutes 
>(depending upon internet speed) before I can do my > >own > 
>customization, because the updating function appears locked. > >If 
>you don't allow the Pi access to the internet during the 
>install > >then it will not be able to start upgrading. Colin -- 
>ubuntu-users > >mailing list ubuntu-users at Modify 
>settings or > >unsubscribe at: 
> > > > That's 
>a good solution, but only if the install is using a locally > 
>connected keyboard/display.  If I'm using the ssh connection, I'm 
>out of luck. You can allow network connection, just not internet 
>connection.  But can you do an install via ssh?  How are you doing 
>the install? > (I don't know why all messages from this group end up 
>without > new-lines, but that's what happens). Make sure you are 
>posting plain text not html, though I don't know whether that is the 
>issue Colin -- ubuntu-users mailing list 
>ubuntu-users at Modify settings or unsubscribe at: 

Much of my problems were due to what turned out to be a bad SD 
card.  When I tried the install with a 'good' card, things worked as 
I expected, and I can start solving the issues of my own making.


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