rsbackup tutorial availability

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Fri Sep 24 12:37:06 UTC 2021

On Mon, 13 Sep 2021 07:31:08 -0500, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at> wrote:

>  I used synaptic, which should be part of the Ubuntu 18.04 that was 
>installed. Search in applications for synaptic.
>  It installed without any problems. However, that is all I have to work 
>with. I did take a peek at the man page but still have a BUNCh of questions.
>Hope this helps...

Hi Jay,
did you figure out how to do a basic rsbackup backup to an external drive?

I also installed rsbackup using apt, that worked fine.

Additionally I got a 2.5" 500GB drive connected to a SATA/USB converter and
inserted in an USB2 port on my Ubuntu machine. The drive is formatted as ext4
and is mounted on my file system right now. It is currently empty.

I think I am after the same as you, namely doing a one-time backup of the
current system as a safeguard against problems during a Ubuntu 18.04 => 20.04

Any info on how you have solved it would be very useful to me!

I got quickly lost by reading the man pages, way too many options...

I only want to back up my entire system *except* the $HOME/www/videos dir where
all of my downloaded videos reside (almost 200 GB worth of files).

That dir is also symlinked into a subdir of /var/www so the backup should not
touch the videos via that path either.

The other data on the system should be backed up so it can be restored.

Any ideas?


Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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