
Colin Law clanlaw at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 08:18:52 UTC 2021

On Wed, 22 Sept 2021 at 22:50, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> ..
> The best path is, if you were wise and kept /home on a separate
> partition, to install a new version and use the same /home filesystem.
> If you didn't, well, you _could_ move it, but that is hard.

If /home is in the / partition rather than a partition of its own
then, when installing the new version, tell it which partition to use
for / but tell it *not* to format it.  Then it should leave /home as
is, only overwriting the system stuff.  At least that has worked for
me in the past doing an install over another version.  I don't see why
it should not work just as well when changing from 32 to 64 bit.

Obviously make sure that your upgrades are up to date (and tested)
before doing anything like this.


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