Post Upgrade question

Paul Smith paul at
Tue Sep 21 18:44:59 UTC 2021

On Tue, 2021-09-21 at 13:34 -0500, Jay Ridgley wrote:
> I have dual displays and want them to be included in each of my 4
> workspaces. However, it appears that the second display does not stay
> with the primary when changing workspaces. It was not a problem in
> 18.04. For instance, if I have a task displayed in the secondary
> display in a workspace and change workspaces that task remains in the
> secondary display of the new workspace. How do I get them to be
> connected the the workspace in which they were created?

Really?  That's one of my favourite things about the desktop: I stick a
web browser on that extra screen then it "comes with me" across all my
workspaces (these days you pretty much always need a browser at hand).

> If I have missed a setting somewhere please enlighten me.

You can change this with Gnome Tweak for sure: use the HUD hotkey and
search for Tweak, then open it and select the "Workspaces" tab and
choose the right configuration from the "Display Handling" section.

If you don't have Gnome Tweak you can install the package via

  sudo apt install gnome-tweaks


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