Boot problem after (Kernel) upgrade, more info

Keith keith at
Mon Sep 20 16:38:15 UTC 2021

On 9/20/21 11:25 AM, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
> 20 September 2021  at 8:36, Keith wrote:
> Re: Boot problem after (Kernel) upg (at least in part)
>> On 9/20/21 5:28 AM, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>> I would have thought adding the third party PPA containing the modified
>> 340 driver would have been just an update to the currently installed
>> package. Add the PPA and then run "apt full-upgrade" and that would be
>> it. You'd only want to remove the Nvidia driver if you were going with
>> the 4th option to exclusively use the nouveau driver.
> Maybe my mistake, but in most docs about installing nvidia drivers thye say
> remove -- purge old drivers first
>> When you say 5.8 is unusable, are referring to the low res display you
>> got previously when you tried the nouveau driver?
> A mix of 640x480 windows on a 1920x1200 screen (bottom of each window not
> reachable) and if I tried to shrink a window the system froze up, as did  any
> terminal at random points
>> But before doing that, BACKUP YOUR DATA and then create a bootable cd or
>> usb drive with a 20.04.2 (not .3, it has the 5.11 kernel) image so that
>> you have rescue disk on hand if things go wrong.
> I did after another day wasted, conceed and go for a fresh install option,
> (with intent to try thord party ppa) on the grounds that anything I may learn
> sticking with it was out weighed but the lost time
> I did not have any backups of the 20.04 system, as /Home had not changed really
> since the upgrade 18.04.5 > 20.04, but I did have one from 18.04,
> I did the fresh install (with update during install) and had a working (albeit
> only 1024x768) system, added the ppa, ran the fix, all looked good, was going
> to backup before doing anything else, got as far as starting backup app, but
> changed mind and went for a reboot first
> On reboot screen was now 1920x1200, did a few minor changes, icon size, set
> night-light, added terminal to dock, and then thought a backup would be a good
> way point (just in case) BUT Backup had gone, no sign of it anywhere, have I
> found another strange bug? I cant even find it in Ubuntu Software to install
> (assumes app is called Backup ??)
>> I don't know why your NIC is not showing up in the 5.11 kernel. I looked
>> at the packages that get installed with the 340 driver and nothing
>> stands out that would affect a RealTek NIC when you remove them.
> that had me confused, as 5.8.0-59 did have NI
> lshw & lspci  both show the card as "unclaimed" on 5.11.0-27
>> According to the nouveau driver website,
>>, your GeForce 8300
>> (grouped under the NV50 class) is fairly well supported - certainly for
>> regular desktop use
> It is a "normally" stable work horse on most OS's and as I'm no gamer fine for
> my use, it plays 720p & 1080p movies without a twitch (on VLC)
> Many thanks, I've learned a lot

Well good, glad you're up and running again


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