Boot problem after (Kernel) upgrade, more info

Keith keith at
Mon Sep 20 16:38:04 UTC 2021

On 9/20/21 9:18 AM, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Sept 2021 at 21:09, Keith <keith at> wrote:
> There is a possible fix in this thread -- Grizzly, you should check it out.
> But saying that, it may be temporary.
>> You have a few options:
>> 1. Upgrade your card to a model Nvidia officially supports. It dropped
>> support for cards using the 340 driver at the end of 2019, and there
>> have been no updates for the 340 driver issued from Nvidia since then.
>> Ubuntu has already dropped its support in 21.04 and 21.10
> Yup. I have had similar issues on openSUSE. I was running an nVidia
> Quadro NVS 295 card, which needed nVidia
> driver 340.24. This is an old driver, no longer maintained and no
> longer supported in current kernels. I was running Tumbleweed,
> openSUSE's rolling-release distro, and eventually my only choice of
> kernel was on that the 340 driver no longer compiles on.
> It is a massive pain, but these cards are about 10-12 years old now,
> from the era when a Core 2 Duo was a current CPU.
> I had the same issue when Ubuntu 12.04 came out -- the first and .01
> releases were OK, then it switched to a kernel and version that
> did not support the last AMD flgrx driver for my laptop's GPU. Once
> this happens you don't really have a choice any more; it's either
> switch to the FOSS driver, if that works, or change your GPU --
> impossible in a laptop -- or replace the machine if you want to run
> current OSes.
> For me back then, the freebie AMD driver was all right -- flickery but
> it worked -- but over the next few Ubuntu releases it stabilized and
> became perfectly usable, including things like driving a big-screen TV
> from my VGA port and so on.

I'm in the same situation. I have an old ATI FX5150 card that AMD
stopped supporting quite awhile ago. It uses the open source radeon
driver now. I dual boot into Windows where I have the last supported
version of AMD's Catalyst software for the 5150 installed and between
the two drivers the difference is nearly  imperceptible
performance-wise.  It's largely due the fact that AMD has good support
for open source driver development providing documentation and manpower
that I stick with AMD cards.


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