Boot problem after (Kernel) upgrade, more info

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Mon Sep 20 10:28:14 UTC 2021

19 September 2021  at 14:06, Keith wrote:
Re: Boot problem after (Kernel) upg (at least in part)

Thanks Keith

>On 9/19/21 7:02 AM, Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:

>> As mentioned I all was well with 20.04.3 (5.8.0-59) the I ran dist-upgrade, and
>> did not reboot (apparently) when I did boot again it would not work
>> AFAICT it was an nvidia driver 

>It sounds like your problem is this:

>nvidia-340 kernel module failed to build (ERROR: Kernel configuration is
>You have a few options:

>1. Upgrade your card to a model Nvidia officially supports. 

>2. Continue to use 5.8 kernel 

>3. Install a 3rd party 340 driver package from an external source. This
>option has all the usual caveats that come from installing software from
>untrusted and unsupported sources. In the bug report I linked above,
>someone in the comments mentioned installing a package from a PPA to get
>the driver working.

>4. Uninstall proprietary Nvidia driver and use the open source nouveau

I did this in prep for third party driver install,
5.11.0-27 lost all conectivity no NIC shown (RealTek RTL)
5.8.0-59 is unusable
both lost backup so I'm a bit stuck

>5. Switch from the current hardware enablement stack kernel (HWE)

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