What happened to ffmpeg? [OT?]

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Sun Sep 12 22:13:39 UTC 2021

On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 10:11 PM Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Sep 2021 17:04:38 -0700, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> >For the record, that old power supply did well for me - almost 11
> >solid years of near-continuous running - only turned off when I moved,
> >5 times in the last 5 years.  Great piecec of machinery.
> How often you turn the power supply off and on doesn't make a big
> differences, as long as you don't turn it off and on exceedingly.
> Turning it off and on exceedingly might harm the electrolytic
> capacitors more than continuous running. Fans and optocouplers might
> suffer more from continuous running than other parts, assuming that a
> computer power supply doesn't contain predetermined breaking points,
> such as voltage undersized capacitors. However, for a well designed
> switching power supply there shouldn't be a foreseeable different
> lifespan between turning it off and on everyday or running it 24/7.
I accept all that.  I expect the power supply itself to be fairly
robust.  I was quite happy that it lasted as long as it did.

My concern is more for the other components in the system being
subject to the on-and-off heating and cooling of the circuits.  In an
earlier age of computing, this could cause the solder points, the PCBs
themselves and even the chips to crack, and thereby malfunction at

I had heard of this happening around ten years ago, and it happened to
one of the learning machines we used at UCSD - the Terak workstations
we used to take Ken Bowles' Intro to Pascal class.  One of the systems
had a chip that cracked and it took Terak about four months to figure
it out.

All moot at this point.  I was just curious if this might have an
effect on the way ffmpeg really exercises the CPU cores and possibly
the disks as well.  It is one of the few apps I've used hat takes
advantage of all cores available.



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