full access to ext4 files/dirs from win 7?

rikona rikona at sonic.net
Thu Sep 9 06:57:49 UTC 2021

Thanks much for the reply and info!

On Wed, 8 Sep 2021 22:43:03 +0200 Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Sept 2021 at 22:08, rikona <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
> >
> > Now using Kub 20.04, but unable to have full access to ext4
> > files/dirs from win 7. Seems like a permissions problem. I can see
> > them but not write or create dirs, etc.  
> As I understand it, if you have read-only access to ext4 from Windows,
> you must already have some kind of tool installed. Windows can't mount
> Linux drives/partitions unaided.

I may have done that when I set up the box - I tried to make it like
the 16.04 box, which did work with win.

> > Means I can't edit files directly and save
> > them. The best sounding solution I found on the net is to use an
> > NTFS disk that both comps can access and use that to transfer
> > files.  
> Yes, I use that method routinely. I create a separate "Shared Data"
> partition in Windows, and automount it during startup from Linux. In
> Windows, I move my data folders to the Shared Data drive. Then in
> Linux I symlink the various built-in subfolders of /home/lproven to
> the Windows equivalents on the Shared Data drive.
> Easy, fast, works, all your data is available in both OSes.

OK - nice to know that seems like a good solution. Would it work as
well if the NTFS disk was on the Kub box, and not on the win box? I do
most stuff on the Linux box, the win box is mostly for special win-only
SW that I'd like to work directly with files on the Kub box.

> > Also
> > saw win SW that claims to do that  
> You must already have something like this.
> > but unclear if those are safe to use.  
> Sure. I use the Paragon one on one machine.
> https://www.paragon-software.com/home/linuxfs-windows/

They seem to talk about ext disks on the win box. I didn't see talk of
an ext4 disk in a separate Linux box. Would that work as well?

> ... I think.
> > Is there a way to do that directly? Is it just a permissions
> > problem I didn't set up correctly?  
> I think you have a demo/trial/freebie Linux-disk-reading tool that is
> read-only.

As I think about it, I guess I do access to Kub from win via smb, so
maybe that's different and not a direct hardware access? Some things
can't be seen at all, so maybe there are permissions issues involved?
If it is smb, could the problem lie with the special pgms not handling
smb, and not with the OS itself?

Again, thanks...

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