Small laser printer for Ubuntu - recommendations?

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Sep 8 10:57:32 UTC 2021

On Wed, 8 Sept 2021 at 12:42, Chris Green <cl at> wrote:

> Lexmark's idea of compact isn't the same as mine! :-)
> 44.2 x 31.24 x 41.91 cm; 7.08 Kilograms

Slightly bigger and marginally heavier than mine. It's small for a
modern laser printer.

I had an HP Laserjet 5P and then later a 6P. Sadly both died, from
known problems -- the rollers gradually perish.

They were even smaller but they are more or less a low-end low-speed
laser engine in a plastic shroud. No paper trays, just an input slot
like an old dot-matrix.

My Lexmark sits on the bottom of the bookshelves behind the sofa, and
the only reason we know it's there is that about every 6-8 hours it
turns its rollers to avoid heat damage.

Liam Proven – Profile:
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