How to enable Incoming mail to postfix on port 587?

Bret Busby bret.busby at
Sun Oct 24 22:00:41 UTC 2021

On 25/10/2021, David Fletcher <dave at> wrote:
> On Mon, 2021-10-25 at 04:29 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
>> On 24/10/2021, David Fletcher <dave at> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I've been having troubles with the WiFi dropping out on my virgin
>> > superhub 2 for a while so phoned them to complain about it. They've
>> > sent out a hub 4 and a new TV box.
>> >
>> > Today I'm aiming to get the hub 4 configured like the old superhub
>> > 2
>> > before they send a technician here tomorrow. I've got it set to my
>> > network address and DHCP range then started trying to get the port
>> > forwards set up.
>> >
>> > I've been using port 25 incoming to my postfix server for years and
>> > it's always worked fine but the damned hub 4 puts up a message in
>> > red
>> > saying that port 25 and a bunch of others are "reserved". What???
>> >
>> > So far I've tried enabling port 587 and disabling port 25 on the
>> > superhub 2 and making the adjustments I've found by Google
>> > searching
>> > the problem to the file:-
>> > changing smtp towards the top to 587
>> > enabling the submission line
>> > enabling the smtps line
>> >
>> > So far cannot get it to work. Obviously I don't want to plug in the
>> > damned hub 2 until I have confidence that email will be working
>> > when I
>> > do!
>> >
>> > Any further suggestions please? I'm running Ubuntu Server 20.04.3
>> > LTS
>> >
>> > Thanks everyone
>> >
>> > Dave
>> >
>> If you are running postfix, then it is in your interest to be
>> subscribed also to the postfix mailing list.
>> Because your message did not indicate in which country you are
>> located, whilst, to me, it appears that your virgin access is a heap
>> of <expletive>, perhaps, it may be time to try an alternative,
>> depending on the available alternatives for wherever you are located.
> I'm in England.
> It's only very rarely (years between) that I normally have to involve
> myself with this stuff so I forget... I think I might have been talking
> BS above. Looking in the email config that I have on this laptop I use
> port 465 to send outgoing email from anywhere using the secure SMTP
> server at 1&1, which needs ID and passcode as does, I expect port 587.
> Therefore I am now assuming that port 25 is the only port that can be
> used for receiving incoming mail on my little home server. Therefore
> disabling port 25 on a home router is a cretinous thing to do.
> I did also ask on the local LUG mailing list and it seems that "vermin
> media" is getting a bad reputation. It seems that I am not at all
> unusual in having WiFi that keeps dropping out. It's down again right
> now as I type this.
> Their other division, mobile, I dropped a couple of years ago. Inspired
> by Paul's letter of complaint to NTL, their predecessor, I ended up
> composing a "Dear Cretins" letter to their customer services director
> after they sent a letter demanding settlement of my 22 pence debt. I
> taped the 22 pence in coins to the bottom of the letter.
> The general opinion of the replies I have had from the Wiltshire LUG is
> that I should be talking to either Andrews and Arnold or Zen Internet
> which I will likely do tomorrow.
> Dave

It is a few years since I ran my own mail server here, for which, I
ran postfix, rather than sendmail.

If I am in error in anything I sat below, one of the more
knowledgeable people on this list (you should really be using the
postfix mailing list, for this query), could correct me.

See for information about the
poostfix mailig lists.  The users and announce lists are the most

postfix-announce at READ-ONLY list for announcements of
Postfix releases and updates.

Open subscription, no posting.

postfix-users at for discussions about using Postfix:
questions, problem reports, or feature requests.

Open subscription, unmoderated posting by members only.

On the mailserver, postfix was for sending mail out, and fetchmail was
for bringing the mail down. Also needed, was procmail, for setting up

fetchmail is where the settings are configured for bringing mail down
(POP or IMAP server., etc), and postfix for configuring settings for
sending mail out (SMTP server).

You will need to get the settings from, and/or check them with, your
web hosting provider - whoever hosts your domain

Bret Busby
West Australia

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