KDE-Neon (OT Maybe)

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 23 15:23:32 UTC 2021

Hi All

Not sure if this is the right place?

After listening to loads of Ubuntu PodCasts I thought I would try out KDE-Neon 
as a possible transition Linux for friends who really want the "Look & Feel" of 

Windowz, without the awful performance of same

Downloaded the current KDE-Neon.iso
Made a bootible USB
Tried it in two Desktops (one nVidia, one Radion)
Neither got to a desktop

the Radion showed a black screen with top right 1/4 white, a mouse pointer 
nothing else

the nVidia showed a total black screen, mouse pointer when moved to top left 
corner, that corner shows a blue/green halo, nothing else

Can anyone give guidance, either to where to ask or how to get a desktop

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