application startup on terminal/shell

Little Girl littlergirl at
Thu Oct 21 19:46:27 UTC 2021

Hey there,

Zahid Rahman wrote:

>I was over  clocking my pi4 that is why I wanted to use  neofetch to
>find out  the speed it is running .

Okay. I had never heard of neofetch before now, but it looks like an
interesting program.

>Before over clocking it was 1500   MHertz
>and now after over clocking  pi is running at 2200 as shown by
>Although when I SSH  a different script is running  presenting a
>different set of statics , one  is the CPU temperature.

Hopefully they're both showing a similar temperature.

>Between the two apps I could see the temperature was increasing so I
>brought down the over_voltage down to 5 . The temperature is no
>longer increasing but neofetch shows the pi is running  at 2200.

I'm glad you got it sorted out and have it all working now.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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