Query about 21.10 release notification

Bret Busby bret.busby at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 12:30:35 UTC 2021

On 19/10/2021, Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> hi,
> Am Dienstag, dem 19.10.2021 um 01:54 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:
>> On 18/10/2021, Wade Smart <wadesmart at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > Perhaps, someone should tell the update bots to stop doing it,
>> > > then.
>> >
>> > Curious - how did it force an update? Ive never seen that? Do you
>> > mean
>> > it did a update without your permission and then rebooted?
>> There are two ways that I have so far encountered.
>> The first, is the dreaded (and dreadful) automatic, unattended
>> updates
> this only applies critical security fixes for currently installed
> packages, not any upgrades to a newer release of the OS ... and there
> is no technical possibility it could do that on its own.
>>  by a bit of minor hacking
> so you hacked around "a bit" in the package management of your system
> and now it does not work as intended ?
>> leading to partial kernel upgrades
> and after you did this "bit of hacking" your system now applies
> "partial kernel upgrades" (which it obviously does not for anyone else)
> ?
>>  I can hopefully be safe from forced
>> updates.
> have you considered that your hackery might be somehow related to your
> issues ?
> ciao
> 	oli

The two changes that I made, would not have caused what happened.

I did not say or claim or infer that what the system did, involved
changing to a newer version of the operating system - I had believed
that I had made clear that the operating system forced the upgrading
of some of the kernel packages - so that, for example, it may be that
the kernel packages that are now installed in that mess, involve some
from kernel 5.11, and some from kernel 5.12, or, some from kernel 5.10
and some from kernel 5.11, or, whatever, causing the boot failure.
That is what I assume has happened, due to the operating system
forcing the downloading and installation of some of the kernel
packages, and the consequential failure to boot the operating system.

Anyway, it is now clear that, due to the forced updating that is now
an integral part of the operating system, it is safer to simply use a
version of the operating system, that is past its use by date and
therefore, not subject to forced updates.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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