Unable to install grub in /dev/sda

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 11:09:20 UTC 2021

Hi Phil,

On Tue, 19 Oct 2021 at 11:19, Phil Fraser <phillor9 at gmail.com> wrote:

> My first SSD was a Samsung. Everything was good except that I could't
> reboot Linux even though Windows 7 would reboot. I now have a Crucial MX500
> 2.5 SSD which was good until I tried to overwrite version 20.10 with a
> later version. Both SSDs are 1TB. Can anyone recommend a SSD that's known
> to be suitable to use with my Thinkpad T420? I have a no-brand 110GB SSD
> that I might try tomorrow. It's too small to be useful.

I have two T420s, both with Crucial 1TB SSDs. Both work. They were bought
from https://www.tier1online.com/ . They provided the laptops OK but their
after sales support ("can I buy a replacement battery", "where can I buy a
replacement keyboard?") was hopeless.

One T420 has Ubuntu x86_64 21.10 beta and works fine.

The other T420 is my main system and it has Ubuntu x86_64 20.04.3 LTS and
works fine. I am using it to write this email.

However, I am not booting Windows. I only have Ubuntu Linux installed.

They are a bit old but still useful. They did come with Windows 7 installed
on HDD and I changed the BIOS to legacy boot, wiped the HDD and installed
Ubuntu Linux on them.

Years later, I replaced the HDD with a Crucial 1TB SSD and used it a bit as
a test bed. It worked. Later on, when I was happy with that, I replaced the
HDD in the other T420 with a Crucial 1TB SSD.

At least once a month I backup key personal files on my main system.



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