Copied system partitions to USB disk, how to proceed to make a clone?

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Oct 18 23:21:48 UTC 2021

On Tue, 19 Oct 2021 at 01:03, Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at> wrote:
> I did my best in the Windows update part, took many cycles to get it silenced
> for new available updates...

Sounds right. :(
> Then I also cleaned out the fluff as you suggested to finally go into
> diskmanager (named differently nowadays).

Win+R, diskmgr.msc


> Here I could resize the Windows partition to 98 GB with 56 GB free.

You can probably shrink that further with Gparted.

You can do

powercfg /h off

in an Admin Mode command prompt to disable hibernation and Fast Boot.
You can also probably safely remove the Recovery Partition.

>From Linux, delete c:\pagefile.sys and c:\hiberfil.sys and
c:\swapfile.sys (if the latter 2 are still there). Delete everything
in c:\windows\temp too.

Then use Gparted to shrink the partition until it's 75% used. Sounds
like it's about 43% used at present to me.

> Does it matter which flavour of Ubuntu I run in this case? Mint or the stock
> version?

Actual Ubuntu, not Mint. Which desktop shouldn't matter. If you have
display problems, maybe a lightweight one like Xubuntu or Lubuntu?

> If I do the above with a GUI style Ubuntu, then it will get wiped in thís step,
> right? So I get my server 18.04 instead like I aimed for.
> Of course then I will also have to run the do-release-upgrade on that to get to
> 20.04...

Aha! It's not upgraded yet.

Well, if you have backups, you could upgrade it first.

Or, see if 18.04 will install -- then the EFI boot files will match versions.

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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