Digital camera raw file converter software

David Fletcher dave at
Tue Oct 12 17:22:14 UTC 2021

A little while ago there was another discussion on this subject. There
are raw file conversion software packages in the current repositories
but I've tried them and really dislike them. I find that they are
enormously overcomplicated for somebody such as myself who wants to
occasionally convert a few raw files from my K70 into decent quality
png image files.

My tool of choice has always been ufraw but unfortunately it vanished
from the repositories due to lack of maintenance. I continue to use it
in a VM of an older OS version. Today I discovered that it has been
forked and appears to be getting built and maintained again as nufraw,

There is a .deb file available but I tend to be extremely cautious
about downloading and installing, a bit like the old shareware days of
windows 95.

Does anybody know, please, if nufraw is going to appear in future
editions of Ubuntu?

Thanks for reading,


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