Getting new hardware - can I just move the disk?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Mon Oct 11 22:44:34 UTC 2021

On Mon, 11 Oct 2021 21:41:40 +0200, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:

>> I've been doing electronics and software development for 40+ years but I have
>> only encountered Linux privately and mostly recently since I retired from my day
>> work 10+ years ago...
>Good for you!
>I had a daughter 2 years ago, when I was 51. (And I love being a dad!)
>But I think I will be working until I drop dead now...

Sorry, I mis-read a post a few days ago indicating you were more of my age
Congrats on the girl!

I have to do with grandkids nowadays and they are  300 km and 6600 km away
respectively. :(

And with the Covid restrictions we have not been able to travel to the two in
Michigan for over 2 years now.

>> I think that the 20.04 upgrade needs to be done first...
>I agree.
>> But then I also need to restructure my server a bit, primarily to move /home to
>> a partition of its own. It holds the bulk of disk space now (175+ GB) and most
>> of that are videos and such. Without that the system part is maybe 30 GB or so,
>> much simpler to handle.
>Ah, yes, that will help.

Tomorrow during some slack time for my server I will try to separate home and
system on the current server (reboot using the USB Ubuntu 20.04 key) and see
where that leads. I have just modified the scripts on two other Ubuntu machines
I have so they no longer use the nfs share to this server when they download

Or maybe instead just bite the bullet and do the release upgrade first. I have
done two recent rsync "backups" of the full system to an external drive and
today I made another test by rsync-ing my home dir too with all the videos (they
were excluded in the previous runs).

One item more:
After I have done the upgrade I will install a desktop (I like Mate) on the
server system so I can use GParted and other GUI tools.
It could be nice being able to log on to a desktop for that.

>> Thanks for your comments, always appreciating talking to another old hand!
>:-) Mutual!
>I've seen you over on the FreePascal lists as well, but as my attempt
>to get back into Pascal has not got far -- see "new daughter" above --
>I don't post much there.

Object Pascal and ANSI-C is what I have been doing software-wise over the years.
But started out with ASM for the MC6802 CPU back in 1977 or so.

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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