mounted nfs share, cannot access symlinked files

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Sat Oct 9 05:17:33 UTC 2021

On Sat, 9 Oct 2021 06:57:59 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>On Sat, 09 Oct 2021 10:56:50 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
>>One option to avoid copies would be to use hard links instead of
>>symbolic links. Then the actual server-side scripts would be visible
>>to and usable by your NFS clients. A suggest you read about hard links
>>first though. In the analogy above, a hard link is a wormhole in the
>>spacetime continuum, so that the oven in your home is the *exact same
>>actual oven* as the one in your partner's friend's kitchen :-)  
>my first thought was, that quantum entanglement would be a better
>analogy, but actually it doesn't fit, too or at best fits as a
>squishy analogy likewise for hard as well as for symbolic links. It's
>probably better to drop all analogies and care about what a hard link
>really is, to avoid mnemonics that lead to misunderstandings.


Analogies in layman's terms are useful, like the first one:

"Suppose you have put a nice dinner in the oven for your extremely
literal-minded partner. Your partner, who is visiting a friend,
telephones you and says "where is dinner?". And you reply "it's in the
oven". So your partner goes to the oven in the friend's kitchen
- and finds no dinner."

As soon as an analogy related to averaged computers does use
metaphorical language related to Theoretical Physics, philosophy etc.
it's a completely confusing, hence useless/broken analogy, since
averaged computers are very stupid, little things, easy to understand,
that have got nothing in common with complicated mental images.

I was very annoyed by a book I bought about 68000 Assembly programming,
drawing parallels to Zen.

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