HP ENVY 6052e Printer as a SCANNER Question *** SOLVED***

Brian claremont102 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 2 12:59:45 UTC 2021

On Sat 02 Oct 2021 at 04:10:42 -0500, Jay Ridgley wrote:


> Thanks Bob,
> I tried document scanner as you suggested and chose "ESCL ENVY 6000 series
> [TH12OBK1BM]" and IT WORKED!!!!!!!
> THANK YOU EVERYONE, I learned a lot.

Let's help this learning process along.

HPLIP was never the issue here. All the work you put into managing
that package was to no avail. You were never using HPLIP to print
or to scan. In fact, with the setup as it is on Ubuntu 20.04, it is
a pointless waste of time to even try.

You have ippusbxd managing the USB connection. ippusbxd is a very
suboptimal utility that has since been removed from Ubuntu and
replaced by ipp-usb [1]. I am a little surprised it works for you.
Many users have struggled when on USB with ippusbxd.

The bottom line is that HPLIP may as well be purged from the system.
It ia redundant. That applies to network printing and scanning with
a modern device too.

[1] Sections 14, 15 and 16 at https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSDriverlessPrinting

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