some questions to /dev/shm (ramdisk)

MegaBrutal megabrutal at
Sat Nov 27 19:30:00 UTC 2021

Hi Bernd,

What in your use case prevents you from just using tmpfs?

~ MegaBrutal

Lentes, Bernd <bernd.lentes at> ezt írta (időpont:
2021. nov. 22., H, 14:53):
> Hi,
> we'd like to use /dev/shm (ramdisk) to copy there some big raw data files (several GB) which are accessible afterwards much faster than from disk.
> Some questions to ramdisk:
> Is the size of the ramdisk listet in fstab reserved ? E.g. i have a ramdisk of 10GB in fstab, these 10GB are lost for all other types of memory, despite the fact how much of the ramdisk is really used ?
> Bernd

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