
MR mrzenwiz at
Fri Nov 19 18:34:57 UTC 2021

On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 11:27 AM Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> Format your USB drive, reinstall Ventoy, then copy the entire ISO file
> and your Xubuntu ISO onto it.
I didn't reformat the USB, just deleted the Win10 ISO contents and copied
the ISO and a couple of others.

Haven't tested it yet, but I feel better about it.

> Mark, I think you may be still suffering from some post-COVID
> impairment here, and I advise double-checking before trying stuff like
> this, or just asking the list or something. If nothing else, it'll
> save you time! Maybe it's Baader-Meinhof Syndrome but I've noticed a
> lot of posts from you recently saying some form of "I tried this and
> it doesn't work -- why not?"
I don't know that this has anything to do with COVID per se.  I'm in a lot
of new territory here (first CPU I've had in decades that did not have an
integrated GPU, and that threw me more than I like to admit) with very
little time to dig too deep.  I follow what I can from Google results, and
when the detailed, painstakingly posted methods don't work, even when they
seem perfectly reasonable, I (probably?) take the shortcut of posting here
in hopes that you, my expert efriends, have an answer.

I did get psychological testing about 8 months after my ordeal and it
showed I was perfectly sound of mind.  I'll not take your comment
personally as I know you mean the best, thank you.

I will remember not to pester the list with any more seemingly inane
questions until I have exhausted the possibilities I find on the web.

Thanks for all the help and support.  I hope to contribute more of the same
for others as we go.

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