How to stop 'apt update' + 'apt upgrade' from updating one particular library?

Keith keith at
Fri Nov 19 16:04:22 UTC 2021

On 11/19/21 3:46 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Nov 2021 at 22:28, Keith <keith at> wrote:
>> Here's the package you can download and install locally.
> Is there an advantage in doing that rather than asking apt to install
> the required version from the repository?
> Colin

I don't believe the version he's looking for, 10.36, was available for
21.10, only 21.04. So he'd have to add the 21.04 main repo to his
sources.list, update, and then specify the version to install, and
assuming all went well he would then pin that version, remove the 21.04
main repo from sources.list and then update again.

I suppose that given enough options that one could craft an apt command
line that would do the job in one go, but I was too lazy to work out the
correct syntax. I just figure grabbing the package from the archive,
installing it locally, and then pinning it would be the quickest route.


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