how to determine network device names

hput hputn3 at
Sun Nov 7 18:04:09 UTC 2021

Little Girl <littlergirl at> writes:


>>  ifconfig enp3s0
>>I just get `error fetching interface information ... device not
> Yep. That's no longer used. I've got a couple of options for you
> below, although neither of them uses lspci.
> This command will give it to you:
> ip address | grep "BROADCAST" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d':' -f1

ip address | grep "BROADCAST" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d':' -f1


I think that is a wireless device ... I want ethernet

`ip route' gives no output at all so cannot pass it on

Also since I posted this query I discovered `ip link' too.

  `ip link' also shows the same wireless device

I have wireless turned off at the keyboard but the last address this
laptop had was a wireless address.

How can I dredge up or create an ethernet device?

I guess it is passe these days but:

I'm pretty sure ifconfig would dredge it up if it were available but I
guess that is old fashioned.

Just for completeness the hardware is Toshiba satellite NB 15t series.

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