New M/B-CPU refuses to boot

sd tech sdtc at
Mon Nov 1 22:14:42 UTC 2021

So something in your hardware is too new to be supported by an LTS 
release, ok...


On 11/1/2021 12:31 PM, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> Update:
> Good news.  I though that maybe the drivers in the 20.04 release might
> just be too old for this new combo, so I pulled down 21.10 and
> installed it (painlessly).
> It boots fairly nicely and most everything is running smoothly.
> Except:  the video driver it is running only goes up to HD res, not
> 2K.  I'll start a new thread for that one.
> Thank you all so very much.  It's a huge relief to have my main
> desktop back in working order.
> Best wishes,
> Mark

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