OneWire protocol on Ubuntu 20.04 (RPI4)

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed May 19 08:46:06 UTC 2021

Am Dienstag, den 18.05.2021, 19:22 -0600 schrieb R C:
> Hello,
> Is the a write up, or other info, for how to enable/configure the 
> "OneWire protocol" in Ubuntu 20.04 (64) on a raspberry Pi 4?

1-wire is a hardware protocol, the kernel should have all you need
already and you should be able to simply use the userspace tools as
needed to talk directly to the sensors (i.e. digitemp for temperature
sensors), there is nothing distro specific ... 

if you have a device requiring owfs on top of this, there is an owfs
package in the archive ...

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