Will icecat and or iceweasel and or iceape and or icedove be packaged for Ubuntu Linux

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 23:38:36 UTC 2021

On Mon, 29 Mar 2021 at 00:36, Bret Busby <bret at busby.net> wrote:
> 1. The snowballing problem with Netscape tarballs, that I encountered,
> was that, every time that a new version became available, rather than
> being able to update it, I had to create a new subdirectory for the new
> version tarball, put it in that, then decompress it, and I ended up with
> seven or more directory levels for Netscape. It just kept snowballing.

You don't need to do all that. The Ubuntuzilla server always hosts the
latest Mozilla source, compiled for Ubuntu and Debian, in x86-32 and
x86-64. I've been using it for Seamonkey for well over a decade.


> 2. My reason for wanting to shift away from the Mozilla software, was
> the elimination of all of the ozilla hosted support mailing lists -
> lists.mozilla.org is being exterminated by Mozilla.

Why is that a total dealbreaker? I have been using Mozilla browsers
since they were Netscape browsers -- circa 1995 I was negotiating with
Netscape Inc directly, in person, to include Netscape Navigator and
Netscape Communicator on the PC Pro magazine cover CD-ROM. (PC
@uthority in Australia.)

I've never needed their support lists. I've raised a handful of bugs
on their bug tracker over more than a quarter of a century, and they
were responsive.


The reason that Iceweasel etc existed was a trademark policy dispute
between the Debian and Mozilla organizations, now resolved amicably.
The products are no longer being updated, I think.

Personally, I switched from Firefox to Waterfox:


Liam Proven – Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk – gMail/gTalk/gHangouts: lproven at gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn/Flickr: lproven – Skype: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 – ČR (+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal): +420 702 829 053

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