What happens to at jobs across the DST switch?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 17:12:10 UTC 2021

If I today create jobs to run tomorrow at for example the following times, what
i.e they are set up before the switch (today) but shall run after the switch

at 00:59
at 01:59
at 02:59
at 03:59
at 04:59


When they are set up I wonder if at is clever enough to know which time the
clock changes 1 hour and compensates for it so it will actually run at the
expected time or do the jobs set up for after the DST change run 1 hour off?

I have a complex at job creation script which has to know the time difference to
the USA from Europe. It is currently 5 hours CET to Eastern DST in US because US
switches 2 weeks ahead of us.
Tomorrow after 02:00 CET the time difference will be 6 hours because Europe

So I wonder what happens to jobs set up before the switch but should execute

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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