File moved while being written to, write continues, how is that possible?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Wed Mar 24 19:20:44 UTC 2021

On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 12:27:09 +0100, Bo Berglund <bo.berglund at> wrote:

>I just got home and responded as above *before* I checked my download
>The target file xxx.mp4 for the download is now present, even though I removed
>the xxx.mp4.part file by mistake!!!
>So it seems like youtube-dl does not care that I deleted its work file
>xxx.mp4.part from the directory, it just chugged along with the download and
>then cleaned up by finishing the work file and finally naming it xxx.mp4 in the
>correct directory!
>No loss really happened!
>Amazing! Cheers for Linux!

I was wrong!
The file did appear but its content is trash..
Well, I don't need it anyway but I got curious about how it works behind the

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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