
Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sun Mar 14 15:59:32 UTC 2021

Am Sonntag, den 14.03.2021, 15:19 +0000 schrieb Duncan Brown:
> Hello All
> Any ideas why since the update to the 5.8 kernel on 20.04.2 LTS I've
> had 
> to manually install linux-modules-extra each time?
> Each update (5.8.0-42-generic, 5.8.0-43-generic and now 5.8.0-44-
> generic 
> I've rebooted to no network adapter, and then have to drop back a
> kernel 
> version and manually apt install linux-modules-extra-5.8.0-XX-generic

the kernel metapackage (linux-generic or linux-generic-hwe-20.04)
normally depend on the right set of packages ... 
including the *-modules-extra-* packages for a specific version ... 

did you uninstall the meta package (or install one of the lower level
dependencies only instaed of using the meta package as you should) ?

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