Install of new KDE Plasma 5.21?

Hund lists_ubuntu at
Thu Mar 11 09:10:12 UTC 2021

On March 9, 2021 4:23:25 PM GMT+01:00, Keith <keith at> wrote:
>On 3/9/21 1:14 AM, Hund wrote:
>> On March 8, 2021 5:14:49 PM GMT+01:00, Vince Ackerman <vjackerman at> wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I have been anticipating installing the newly released *KDE Plasma 5.21*
>>> on all of my boxes, but it has never released while updating via
>>> Discover or any other way.
>>> I have 'Googled' it extensively, and found no way to MANUALLY
>>> install/update to the new KDE!
>>> I am currently running Ubuntu release 20.10, and KDE Plasma version 5.19.5
>>> Anyone have any ideas?  Do I need to add a specific repository to my
>>> machines?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Vince
>> Canonical release model is point based (or whatever the correct term is). They dont push new major versions in a current release of Ubuntu, only security and stability updates.
>> If you want the latest and greatest and can't wait for the next version of Ubuntu, you probably want an operating system with a rolling release model.
>> --
>> Hund
>That's wrong. Interim releases feature new versions of software all the
>time. It just depends on whether an upstream project releases their
>software early enough to be included during Ubuntu's development cycle.
>Plasma 5.21.2 was added March 2 for 21.04 which is scheduled for final
>release April 22nd. Of course, nothing is preventing anyone from
>upgrading now provided they know they're going to be running an OS still
>undergoing development.
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You just told me I'm wrong and then said the same thing with other words.


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