File moved while being written to, write continues, how is that possible?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Wed Mar 10 07:36:33 UTC 2021

Am Mittwoch, den 10.03.2021, 06:59 +0100 schrieb Bo Berglund:
> So now I wonder if this is a built-in feature of Linux generally 

it indeed depeds on the underlying filesystem that is used on the
physical disk in use, in ext4 (which is the typical default in ubuntu)
the actual blocks on disk that hold the binary data of a file is
maintained separately from the meta data information (file name,
location, folder names, permissions etc) ... 

so if you mv a file, only the metadata in the inode table of the
filesystem is updated, the physical blocks on disk stay in the same
location ... 

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