How to know if a specific command (e.g. bc) is available in an original Ubuntu?

Little Girl littlergirl at
Wed Mar 3 15:10:22 UTC 2021

Hey there,

孙世龙 sunshilong wrote:

>How to know if a specific command (e.g. bc) is available in an
>original Ubuntu 16.04?

There are lots of ways to do it. Some of them are here:

And here:

My favorite is below, with COMMAND representing the name of the
command you're checking for:

if type "COMMAND" &> /dev/null; then echo "YES"; else echo "NO"; fi;

You would replace COMMAND with bc to check for your example command:

if type "bc" &> /dev/null; then echo "YES"; else echo "NO"; fi;

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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