fonts in kate

rikona rikona at
Sat Jun 12 21:09:10 UTC 2021

Finally got a larger hi-res monitor - nice. Using Kubuntu, also nice,
but a problem with the kate editor, which I like and have been using for
years. Kate fonts were originally VERY small on the new screen, so I 
increased the font size, now looks OK on the screen. But when I print,
the printing font is HUGE to the point of being useless. I could reset
it back to the best 'print' size, and zoom in on every screen edit so I
can see it, but that's not a desirable solution.

I don't see a way of setting both the 'screen' fonts and 'print' fonts
in kate so that both look OK. How can I do that?

I can use office or geany to print the document correctly, but it would
be nice to just print from kate if possible.

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