Openvpn on 20.04

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at
Sat Jul 31 14:34:34 UTC 2021

On Sat, Jul 31, 2021 at 9:42 AM Karl Auer <kauer at> wrote:

> On Sat, 2021-07-31 at 09:15 -0400, Jerry Geis wrote:
> > ( yes seems everything shows correctly in NetworkManager).
> So a small "VPN" indicator shows up beside the networking icons at top
> right? It looks like the letters "VPN" on a white background. Generally
> three dots appear first, which then change to "VPN" when the VPN
> connects.
> > however - I cannot ping or ssh to my machines on the other end.
> > No error pops up on screen - just not working.
> This could be so many things that are unrelated to the VPN.
> - can you reach them without the VPN being active? Have these systems
> ever been reachable?
> - have the systems been configured to allow access from the VPN?
> - google "What's my IP" when connected to the VPN, and check that the
> address returned is the one that is permitted access
> - turn off the VPN and google "what's my IP" again. Check it's actually
> different...
> - Are the systems behind the VPN Windows systems? Windows systems do
> not support either ping or ssh out of the box, both must be
> specifically enabled.
> - assuming the systems themselves will respond to pings and are running
> ssh servers, does the environment they are in - external firewalls and
> filters - allow pings and ssh through to them?
> Regards, K.
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Karl Auer (kauer at
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> --
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Corret. When I "turn on the VPN" I get the three dots menu in the upper
right. Eventually it changes to a LOCK icon.

>From my windows laptop I can run the Watchguard Windows VPN - same
connection address, same port, same user name, same password and it works.
By works I mean I can ping, ssh and VNC once connected to the VPN.
Certainly ssh and vnc should both work.

With the VPN active - I try to google what is my IP and it shows up as the
OFFICE IP - Cool so something is working - I just cant get to anything.

The systems I'm trying to access in the office are all linux systems. I
regularly use and ssh and vnc are all active on them.

So close - but ???

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