e1000e performance 30%+ slower on laptop Ubuntu vs Windows/Debian

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 17:02:33 UTC 2021

Hey there,

Liam Proven wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> I'm just kind of surprised that the Ubuntu team would be willing to
>> take on the work of upgrading and/or developing the driver when
>> that was handled by Intel before.  

>It didn't. It doesn't.

>Ubuntu does not write or develop the kernel. It has contributed code
>to the kernel, sure, and it has significant in-kernel tech, such as
>LXD and booting from ZFS, but most of its work is in the userland,
>e.g. Snappy apps, Juju charms, or the GNOME shell tweaks, and desktop

So, neither Intel nor Ubuntu are continuing to develop the driver and
it's just kind of in the kernel as is, with any future driver
development being totally reliant on the kindness of anyone who
happens to want to work on it out in "userland"?

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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