How do we disable the snap stuff

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sat Jul 24 11:22:47 UTC 2021

Am Samstag, den 24.07.2021, 18:13 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:
> Upon booting one of my systems; UbuntuMATE 21.04, it immediately
> starting downloading megabytes of stuff.
> Upon checking, it was automatically downloading unknown upgrade
> stuff.
> The settings in the "Software and Updates" application had been
> changed by the software - against my will - 

well, forced and unattended security upgrades *of deb packages* are a
ubuntu default since 18.04 ... this has nothing to do with snap
packages at all ...

the UI has no setting to influence any snap behaviour ... snaps are
push driven and will be updated immediately if the maintainer pushed a
new package to the store ... if you did not install any snap packages
there wont any snap packages being updated at all 

... but anyway, if you want to uninstall everything related to snaps

sudo apt purge snapd 

this will uninstall snap support and all snap packages (note, do not
use "apt remove" as that will not remove the snap packages alongside)

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