Using ostree

Tom H tomh0665 at
Sun Jul 11 05:53:03 UTC 2021

On Fri, Jul 9, 2021 at 4:05 PM Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On Fri, 9 Jul 2021 at 15:39, Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:

>> Googling also yielded too,
>> but AFAIk it's rpm-based, not that it really matters given that
>> AFAIK "/usr" is ro and you can't use package managers.
> I can't see that site -- I get a 403 error.

I get a 401 error when I go there, but the site then displays.
Something's not quite right...

> I don't know about Wind River doing a Linux. AFAICR Wind River was
> known for VXworks, and is now part of Intel.

There's a market for linux-based appliances/embedded systems, so
they've jumped in.

>> You must need root access on ostree to update your system, no?! So
>> it's not quite the same as android or iOS.
> That is not the part of the comparison to focus on. :-) The point
> is, you don't update it piecemeal, package by package, using a
> package manager. You periodically get a whole new OS release from
> the vendor, it entirely replaces your whole OS, and then that's it
> until the next update.

OK. But the difference with android is also that if you want to use
nmap or tcpdump, and they're not in the base ostree instali, you can
install the deb/rpm. In Ubuntu's snap-land, there might be an
"android-way" of installing them - you might have to create the snap
yourself - but AFAIK flatpak's for GUI apps.

>> ostree's packaged Ubuntu.
> Do you mean Ubuntu  has packaged ostree?

Yes. Sorry!

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